Time For Change

It is December, 2016 and we had a ruff ending at MotivateUs.com. Our service company that they were using in helping the website present it’s self on mobile devices, with monitor ad support. Motivating Moments, LLC and the MotivateUs.com team had to make a decision. The service was not working, and the site was collapsing.

Just like other times in history, the software professional blame the network administrators. The network administrators blame computer operations and the computer operations group blames the weather. This time, the blame fell on some routers that did not like our hosting companies internet address. These address, were being blocked as they moved through the internet so no one could see the site. Our service provider told us that we needed to change our hosting company. For those who are curious. Our hosting company is one of the largest in the United States, and is host millions of websites. We had enough, and we needed to make a change.

So, a small group of us decided to bite the bullet, and figure out a way to take thousands of static web pages (.htm). That stretched across decades of development, change and evolution of the html code and find a way transform it so it could be view on all devices. A staging step to keep the original history site in tack, and at the time normalize it so can be moved into a content management system in the future.

The process has started, the lab is being put together #MotivateUsLab and we will see where it end up.