Everyone has a story to tell. Allen Steble shares one of his.
Everyone is the same yet everyone is different
Everyone gets scared
Everyone has fears
Everyone has been afraid
Everyone has shed tears
Everyone who lives has thought about love
Everyone who wonders has peered up above
Everyone has overcome hate
Everyone struggles to forgive
Everyone has had a heated debate
They just can’t seem to win
Everyone gets ill
Everyone has to sleep
Everyone wants to feel special
No one wants to be sold cheap
No one!
Everyone gets pain
Everyone experiences sadness
Everyone has a chain… a chain of madness
Everyone has been angry
Everyone has been disappointed
Everyone has been hungry
Everyone has been dehydrated
Everyone gets older
Everyone becomes wiser
Everyone gets colder as winter draws closer
Everyone wants what they want
Everyone expects their needs
Everyone would like to be remembered
For their talents and fine deeds